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Create a Web Directory in WordPress

February 8, 2017

Create web directory WordPress

Information search for particular circumstances is human natural need. That’s why web directory was born to meet such need. While creating a web directory used to be complicated in the past, it has never been easier thanks to advanced technology. With WordPress, things are even easier and faster. Whether you want to build a website for local directory or even a global business listing system, you can rely on DirectoryEngine WordPress Theme. It has core as well as exciting supplementary features for a complete directory website so that you can start to earn money from it.


directoryengine - Create web directory WordPresswordpress theme

DirectoryEngine is a complete solution for a fully responsive WordPress theme and is suitable for any directory types. The theme has entered its stable development stage with all core features available.

You’re ready to make money creating different price packages and utilizing multiple payment gateways from global ones like PayPal, Stripe to local such as Pin, PayFast, Paymill, etc. What’s more? Visual Composer is integrated which makes it so easy for you to customize the theme. Front-end listing submission, review and rating system, and awesome color schemes are also supported features in DirectoryEngine.

Easy to Setup

Monetization plans

DirectoryEngine theme supports different price packages which are easily created in the back-end.

Step 1: Set up payment plans

Create web directory WordPress

Step 2: Set up payment gateways

Enable the payment gateways you want for your WordPress web directory  and fill in required information.

Create web directory WordPress

Front-end customization mode

With premium Visual Composer integrated, you’re able to make changes to your theme and see live updates right in the front-end. Moreover, built-in content blocks and customizable widgets make it even easier for you to simply drag & drop or add any contents you wish.

Create web directory WordPress

View Live Demo to get the best experience.

DirectoryEngine is a complete web directory WordPress theme to help you build your own listing website. Its flexible design is made to suit any kind of business directory or place listing. This is the theme you’ll ever need to increase more traffic and make money from your online business.

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